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Woodstock, CT 06281
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15 Main Street Suite 11a
Franklin, MA 02038

Kolton Dehler, Plumber

Kolton goes on service calls to correct issues like basement leaks, installs Mitsubishi mini-splits, and much more. He likes problem solving for customers. On one recent call, he assisted a single, older woman with no heat on a cold autumn day. “I was able to get her heat back on and help her. That’s the most satisfactory part of my job.”

Kolton enjoys freshwater fishing in his kayak. He catches bass, trout and likes fly fishing as well. His prize keeper was a 9.5-pound rainbow trout. He says Gorham, NH, a quiet town near Mount Washington, where he camps annually with his family, is a perfect place to fish, with rivers everywhere. Kolton’s favorite food is pizza (thin crust!). He also loves heavy metal music, target shooting, and hunting. He says people tell him he’s a good shot, but in his mind there’s always room for his improvement